Programming Throwdown

Patrick Wheeler and Jason Gauci

Object Caching Systems

Many people have heard the names "redis" or "memcached" but fewer people know what these tools are good for or why we need them so badly.  In this show, Patrick and I explain why caching is so important and how these systems work under the hood.

Intro topic: 
Public database & cache services (Planetscale & Upstash)


Book of the Show

Tool of the Show

Topic: Object Caching Systems
  • The need
    • Latency
    • In memory
    • Caching
  • Disadvantages compared to DB
    • Size limits (memory)
    • Limited query support
    • Limited persistence options
    • Stale caches
  • How it works
    • Key-value stores
    • Special operations for multi-get /multi-step
    • Expiry timers on each key
    • Hashing
  • Examples
    • Redis
    • Memcached
    • DynamoDB
    • Google datastore
    • Firebase database

00:00:15 Introduction
00:00:54 New Year’s Resolutions
00:03:59 Saving money on cloud servers
00:17:20 Scan of the Month
00:20:14 Hyrum’s Law
00:25:30 Make the Internet Yours Again with an Instant Mesh Network 
00:31:45 Book of the Show 
00:31:56 AI 2041 
00:35:25 Don Shard
00:37:35 Tool of the Show
00:38:17 Swagger
00:59:10 ripgrep
0:45:31 Object Caching Systems
01:10:22 High Frequency Trading
01:14:07 Farewells

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