Programming Throwdown

Patrick Wheeler and Jason Gauci

Intro topic:  Social Media Auto Responder LLM

Book of the Show

Tool of the Show

Topic: DevOps
  • What is DevOps
    • DevOps vs SRE
  • Why DevOps is important
    • Engineering time is expensive
    • Outages can hurt company metrics & reputation
  • Build & Testing Infrastructure
    • Bazel & Build/Test Idempotency
    • Build/Test Farms
    • BuildBarn
    • Github Actions
    • Jenkins
  • Infrastructure as code
    • Terraform
    • Blue Green Deployment
  • Continuous Everything!
    • Continuous Integration
    • Continuous Deployment
  • How to Measure DevOps
    • Build Times
    • Release cadence
    • Bug tracking / round trip times
    • Engineer Surveys
      • Time spent doing what you enjoy
  • DevOps Horror Stories