Programming Throwdown

Patrick Wheeler and Jason Gauci

175: Resume Writing

Intro topic:  DSLR Photography vs Camera Phone


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Topic: Resume Writing (Courtesy of Matthew C.)

  • Why have a resume?
    • Many jobs require it to get into the consideration
    • Today many are screened for keywords automatically
    • Log for future you
  • What is a resume?
    • One-page description
    • Key accomplishments & experiences
    • Comparison to CV
    • References
  • How to write a good resume?
    • Do’s
      • Include your github if it has good contributions
      • Be specific (dates, locations, skills)
      • Isolate your specific contributions
      • Be accurate/honest
      • Be concise
      • Be ready to discuss any point you have on the resume
      • List hobbies/activities/extracurriculars
    • Don’ts
      • Have mistakes (especially dates)
      • Use images (most companies use text extraction)
      • Use it as a design portfolio
      • Put social qualities ( hard-working, motivated, friendly)
      • Use fancy templates/tools
    • Resources
  • How to think about your career and how it impacts your future resume writing (career planning)
    • Technologies and architectures more than specifics of project details
    • How various choices may age over time